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Termux Commands List For Basic Use | Termux API

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In This Post I Am Going To Teach You Basic Commands Of Termux API And A Full Termux Commands List That A Beginner Can Use In Starting. We Will Learn Termux Commands List With Easy And Understandable Language.

Termux Commands List For Termux API

In The Below Section I Will Show You The Termux Commands List Used In Termux. These Commands Are For The Beginners And Are Much Easier To Understand. I Have Provided The Examples Of The Termux Basic Commands Also For The Better Understanding. Learn These Commands If You Are Just A Beginner In Termux. Make Sure To Install Termux API Before Typing These Commands:

Termux Commands List For Packages:

Below Are The Commands That Can Be Used For Packages Related Options In Termux:

  1. pkg update :This Command Is Used To Update All The Packages Of The Termux. It Also Updates The Packages That Are Manually Installed In Termux.
  2. pkg upgrade :This Command Upgrades All The Packages To The Latest Version In Termux. This Commands Consumes More Data Than pkg update Command.
  3. pkg install [package_name] :This Command Is Used To Install Packages In Termux. It Installs Only Those Packages That Are Available In Termux Data Base. Make Sure To Change The [package_name] With The Package You Want To Install.
  4. pkg uninstall [package_name] :This Command Is Used To Uninstall Packages In Termux. It Uninstalls Currently Installed Packages In Termux. Make Sure To Change The [package_name] With The Package You Want To Uninstall.
  5. pkg search [keyword] : This Command Searches For The Packages That Contains The [keyword] That You Searched.
  6. pkg list-all: This Command Lists All available Packages That Can Be Installed In Termux.
  7. pkg info [package_name]: This Command Displays Information About A Specific Package. Change The [package_name] With The Package For Which You Want To Gather Information.
  8. pkg list-installed: This Is Used To List All Installed Packages In Termux.

Examples For The Termux Commands List For Packages:

pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg install python
pkg uninstall git
pkg search wget
pkg list-all
pkg info python
pkg list-installed

Termux Commands List For Screen:

Below Are The Termux Commands That Can Be Used For Screen Related Options:

  1. termux-wake-lock: This Command Enables The Device To Keep Awake While Termux Is Running.
  2. termux-wake-unlock: Allows The Device To Sleep Normally Or Disable Awake In Termux.
  3. termux-toast [message]: Displays A Toast Message On The Screen.
  4. termux-volume [option]: Adjusts The Volume. Options Include Music, Ring, Alarm, Notification And System.
  5. termux-vibrate: This Command Is Used To Vibrate The Device For A Specified Duration Followed By The Command.
  6. termux-share: Shares Files Or Text Using The Android Share Menu.
  7. termux-clipboard-get: This Command Retrieves The Current Contents Of The Clipboard That Has Been Copied Recently.
  8. termux-clipboard-set [text]: Sets The Clipboard Contents To The Specified Text.
  9. termux-dialog: Opens A Dialog Box With Various Options.
  10. termux-notification: Sends A Notification With The Specified Title And Text.
  11. termux-tts-speak [text]: Speaks Te Text You Entered While Replacing [text] In The Command.
  12. termux-tts-engines: Lists Available Text-To-Speech Engines Installed On Your Device.
  13. termux-wallpaper [file]: Sets The Device’s Wallpaper To The Specified Image File.

Termux Commands List For Contacts And Messages:

Below Are The Termux Commands Related To The Contacts And Messages:

  1. termux-sms-inbox: This Command Lists Received SMS Messages.
  2. termux-sms-send -n [number] [message]: Sends An SMS To The Specified Number With The Given Message. Change [number] With Your Number You Want To Send Message And [message] With The Message You Want To Sent.
  3. termux-contact-list: Lists All Contacts That Are Currently Saved On Your Device.
  4. termux-contact-get [contact_name]: Retrieves Details About The Specified Contact That You Typed While Replacing [contact_name] In Termux.
  5. termux-sms-list: Lists All The Currently Saved SMS Messages.
  6. termux-sms-view [message_id]: Displays The Contents Of The Specified SMS Message By The [message-id] Provided.
termux-sms-send -n +91600123456 Hii Geek Guy
termux-contact-get Geek Guy
termux-sms-view 89279369

Termux Commands List For Media:

Commands That Can Be Used For Media Related Options In Termux API:

  1. termux-camera-photo [output_file]: Takes A Photo Using The Device’s Camera And Saves It With The Filename Typed In The Command While Replacing [output_file].
  2. termux-camera-record [output_file]: Records A Video Using The Device’s Camera And Saves It With The Name Typed In The Command [output_file].
  3. termux-media-player: This Command Can Be Used To Control The Media Player Using Termux.
  4. termux-media-scan [path]: Scans The Specified Path For Media Files.
  5. termux-microphone-record [output_file]: Records Audio Using The Device’s Microphone And Saves It To The Path You Specified With The Name Of The File At Last.
  6. termux-media-player play [file]: This Command Is Used To Play The Specified Audio Or Video File.
  7. termux-media-player pause: This Command Pauses The Currently Playing Media On Your Device.
  8. termux-media-player stop: This Commands Stops The Currently Playing File In The Termux.
  9. termux-media-player seek [time]: This Command Seeks To The Specified Time In The Currently Playing Media.
  10. termux-media-player playlist [file]: This Command Loads A Playlist File That You Want To Open In The Command While Replacing The [file] In Command.

Termux Commands List For Networks:

Below Are Some Network Related Commands For Termux API:

  1. termux-wifi-enable [true]: This Command Enables Wi-Fi Using Termux.
  2. termux-wifi-enable [false]: This Command Disables Wi-Fi Using Termux.
  3. termux-wifi-connectioninfo: Helps The User To View The Connection Info Of The Wi-Fi You Are Using.
  4. termux-wifi-ipinfo: This Command Lists Information About The Device’s IP Address.
  5. termux-wifi-scaninfo: Can Be Used To Search For The Nearby Wi-Fi Networks And List Information About Them.
  6. termux-wifi-connect [SSID] [password]: Connects To The Specified Wi-Fi Network. Change The [SSID] [password] With Your Own Data.

Termux Commands List For Device Info:

These Commands Can Be Used To List Device Info In Termux API

  1. termux-battery-status: This Command Shows The Current Battery Status Of The Device You Are Running Termux On.
  2. termux-telephony-cellinfo: Shows Information About The Current Cellular Network.
  3. termux-telephony-deviceinfo: This Command Lists The Information Of The Device You Are Working On.
  4. termux-telephony-imei: Help Us To View The IMEI Number Of The Device.
  5. termux-telephony-signalstrength: This Command Helps Us To Know The Currently Signal Strength Of The Network You Are Using.
  6. termux-dialog: Can Be Used To Create A Dialog Box With Advanced Options.
  7. termux-camera-snapshot [output_file]: Takes A Snapshot Using The Device’s Camera And Saves It To The Specified File.
  8. termux-camera-view: Opens A Live Preview From The Device Camera Of The Device.
  9. termux-fix-shebang [file]: The Command Can Be Used To Fix The Shebang Of The Current File Specified So That It Can Be Made Executable.
  10. termux-location: Shows The Current Location Of The Device From Which You Are Using Termux.
  11. termux-info: This Command Displays The Information Of The System You Are Running Termux On.

Miscellaneous Termux Commands List:

Some Other Miscellaneous Termux Commands For Termux API Are As:

  1. termux-open-settings: Can Be Used To Opens The Termux Settings Menu.
  2. termux-torch [true/false]: Turns The Device’s Flashlight On Or Off. Set The Value To [true] To Turn It On And Set The Value To [false] To Turn It Off.
  3. termux-notification: This Can Be Used To Send Specified Notification To The Notification Bar.

Termux Commands List For File Management:

These Commands Are Use For Management In Termux API:

  1. termux-setup-storage: This Command Can Be Used To Set Up Storage In Termux To Access Files On Your Device.
  2. termux-storage-get [path]: Gives Information About The Specified Storage Path. Change [path] With The Path You Want To See Information About.
  3. termux-storage-list: This Command Lists All Available Storage Volumes Of Your Device.
  4. termux-open [file/path]: This Command Is Used To Open A File Or Directory With The Default App. Change File Path With The Filename Or The Complete Path.
  5. termux-open-url [URL]: Can Be Used To Open The Specified URL (Used In The Command) In The Default Browser.
  6. termux-download [URL]: This Command Downloads A File From The Specified URL Replaced In The Command.
  7. termux-upload [source_file] [destination_directory]: Uploads A File To The Specified Directory. Change The [source_file] With The File You Want To Upload And [destination_directory] With The Path Of Directory To Which You Want To Upload.
  8. termux-fix-shebang [file]: Fixes The Shebang Of A Script File To Make It Executable.

Learn Normal Termux Commands At: Termux Commands List – Basic To Advanced 2024


I Have Provided You Some Of The Basic Termux Commands List. These Commands Will Work Only If The Termux API Is Installed In Your Android. If You Have Any Doubt Regarding This Article You Can Tell Me Through The Contact Us Page. Thanks For Reading.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does Termux API Commands Will Work Without Termux API?

No, Most Of The Termux API Commands Will Not Work Without Termux API.

How To Install Termux API ?

To Use Termux API Download Termux API And Also Install Termux API Package Using pkg install termux-api

Why Termux API Not Work?

Make Sure To Install The Right Termux API And Give Permission Required For The Command

Hi There!  I Am Geek Guy. a Passionate Computer Science Student Diving Deep Into The World Of Technology.