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Termux Commands List For Advanced | Full Explained

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In This Post I Am Going To Teach You The Termux Commands List For Advanced. These Commands Will Work In Both Linux And Termux. Termux Commands List Helps Us To Work More Efficiently On Termux. It Will Help You To Enhance The Experience Of The Termux.

Termux Commands List For Advanced Use:

I Will Teach You The Termux Advanced Commands Through Termux Commands List In The Below Section. One Must Learn Beginner And Intermediate Termux Commands First. These Commands Contain Three Categories That Include Scripting And Automation, System Monitoring And Security Encryption.I Have Provided The Termux Commands List With Their Use, Usage And An Example For Better Understanding.

Termux Commands List For Scripting And Automation:

Below Is A Termux Commands List That Can Be Used To Run Shell Scripts And Writing These Scripts. One Must Know That The The First Thing Is Command, Then Use After That Usage And At Last Is Example:

bash – GNU Bourne-Again SHell

  • Use: Executes Bash Commands And Scripts.
  • Usage: bash [options] [script]

sh – Shell Command Interpreter

  • Use: Executes Shell Commands And Scripts.
  • Usage: sh [options] [script]

chmod – Change File Modes Or Access Control Lists

  • Use: Changes The Permissions Of A File Or Directory.
  • Usage: chmod [options] mode file
chmod +x

crontab – Schedule Jobs To Run Periodically

  • Use: Schedules Commands Or Scripts To Run At Specified Intervals.
  • Usage: crontab [options] [file]
crontab -e

at – Schedule Commands To Run At A Specific Time

  • Use: Schedules Commands To Run At A Specific Time.
  • Usage: at [time]
at 09:00 echo "echo 'Hello World'" | at now + 1 minute

sleep – Delay For A Specified Time

  • Use: Can Be Used To Pause Execution For A Specified Duration.
  • Usage: sleep [duration]
sleep 10

find – Search For Files In A Directory Hierarchy

  • Use: Is Used To Search For Files And Directories Based On Criteria.
  • Usage: find [path] [expression]
find /path/to/dir -name "*.log"

grep – Print Lines Matching A Pattern

  • Use: Is Used Search For Lines In Files That Match A Specified Pattern.
  • Usage: grep [options] pattern [file]
grep "search_term" myfile.txt

awk – Pattern Scanning And Processing Language

  • Use: This Is Used To Processes And Analyzes Text Files.
  • Usage: awk [options] 'pattern {action}' [file]
awk '{print $1}' myfile.txt

sed – Stream Editor For Filtering And Transforming Text

  • Use: Edits And Transforms Text In A File Or Stream.
  • Usage: sed [options] 'script' [file]
sed 's/old/new/g' myfile.txt

xargs – Build And Execute Command Lines From Standard Input

  • Use: Constructs Argument Lists And Executes Commands.
  • Usage: xargs [options] [command]
find /path -type f | xargs wc -l

source – Execute Commands From A File In The Current Shell

  • Use: It Executes Commands From A File Within The Current Shell Session.
  • Usage: source [file]

make – Build Automation Tool

  • Use: Automatically Builds Executable Programs And Libraries From Source Code.
  • Usage: make [options] [target]

echo – Display A Line Of Text

  • Use: Displays A Line Of Text Or A Variable’s Value.
  • Usage: echo [options] [string]
echo "Hello, World!"

These Commands Are Useful For Scripting And Automating Tasks In Termux, Allowing You To Efficiently Manage Processes And File Operations.

Termux Commands List For System Monitoring:

Below Are The Termux Commands List That Can Be Used For The System Monitoring In Termux. One Must Know That The The First Thing Is Command, Then Use After That Usage And At Last Is Example:

top – Display Linux Tasks

  • Use: Provides A Dynamic Real-Time View Of The System’s Running Processes.
  • Usage: top [options]

htop – Interactive Process Viewer

  • Use: An Interactive Process Viewer That Provides A More User-Friendly Interface Than top.
  • Usage: htop

ps – Report A Snapshot Of Current Processes

  • Use: Displays Information About Active Processes.
  • Usage: ps [options]
ps aux

vmstat – Report Virtual Memory Statistics

  • Use: Reports Information About Processes, Memory, Paging, Block IO, Traps, And CPU Activity.
  • Usage: vmstat [options] [delay] [count]
vmstat 5 10

iostat – Report CPU And IO Statistics

  • Use: Reports CPU Utilization And I/O Statistics For Devices And Partitions.
  • Usage: iostat [options] [interval] [count]
iostat 5 3

free – Display Amount Of Free And Used Memory In The System

  • Use: Displays The Amount Of Free And Used Memory In The System.
  • Usage: free [options]
free -h

df – Report File System Disk Space Usage

  • Use: Displays The Amount Of Disk Space Used And Available On File Systems.
  • Usage: df [options] [file]
df -h

sar – Collect, Report, Or Save System Activity Information

  • Use: Collects, Reports, Or Saves System Activity Information.
  • Usage: sar [options] [interval] [count]
sar -u 5 3

netstat – Print Network Connections, Routing Tables, Interface Statistics, And More

  • Use: Provides Network Connections, Routing Tables, Interface Statistics, And More.
  • Usage: netstat [options]
netstat -tuln

uptime – Tell How Long The System Has Been Running

  • Use: Shows How Long The System Has Been Running, And The System Load Averages.
  • Usage: uptime

dmesg – Print Kernel Ring Buffer Messages

  • Use: Prints Messages From The Kernel Ring Buffer, Useful For Debugging.
  • Usage: dmesg [options]
dmesg | less

lsof – List Open Files

  • Use: Lists Information About Files Opened By Processes.
  • Usage: lsof [options]
lsof -i

watch – Execute A Program Periodically, Showing Output Full Screen

  • Use: Executes A Command Periodically And Displays The Output Full Screen.
  • Usage: watch [options] [command]
watch -n 5 df -h

top – Display Linux Tasks

  • Use: Provides A Dynamic Real-Time View Of The System’s Running Processes.
  • Usage: top [options]

These Commands Help Monitor Various Aspects Of System Performance And Resource Usage In Termux, Assisting With Troubleshooting And Optimization.

Termux Commands List For Security And Encryption:

Below Is A Termux Commands List For Security And Encryption. These Commands Include Operations For Handling Security, Such As GPG For Encryption. One Must Know That The The First Thing Is Command, Then Use After That Usage And At Last Is Example:

gpg – GNU Privacy Guard

  • Use: Encrypts, Signs, And Manages Keys For Secure Communication.
  • Usage: gpg [options] [command]
gpg --gen-key
gpg --encrypt --recipient [email protected] file.txt
gpg --decrypt file.txt.gpg

openssl – Open Source Toolkit For Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) And Transport Layer Security (TLS)

  • Use: Provides Various Cryptographic Operations, Including Encryption, Decryption, And Key Generation.
  • Usage: openssl [options] [command]
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private.key
openssl req -new -key private.key -out request.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in request.csr -signkey private.key -out certificate.crt

ssh – Secure Shell

  • Use: Provides Secure Access To Remote Machines Over An Insecure Network.
  • Usage: ssh [options] user@host
ssh user@remotehost
ssh -i /path/to/private/key user@remotehost

scp – Secure Copy Protocol

  • Use: Securely Copies Files Between Hosts Over SSH.
  • Usage: scp [options] source destination
scp file.txt user@remotehost:/path/to/destination
scp user@remotehost:/path/to/file.txt /local/path

sftp – Secure File Transfer Protocol

  • Use: Provides An Interactive File Transfer Session Over SSH.
  • Usage: sftp [options] user@host
sftp user@remotehost
sftp> put localfile.txt
sftp> get remotefile.txt

htpasswd – Manage User Files For Basic Authentication

  • Use: Creates And Updates User Files For HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • Usage: htpasswd [options] file username
htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/.htpasswd user1
htpasswd /etc/apache2/.htpasswd user2

pass – The Standard Unix Password Manager

  • Use: Manages Passwords And Other Secret Data.
  • Usage: pass [options] [command]
pass init "gpg-id"
pass insert mysite/password pass show mysite/password

cryptsetup – LUKS Disk Encryption

  • Use: Manages Disk Encryption Using LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup).
  • Usage: cryptsetup [options] [command]
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdX
cryptsetup open /dev/sdX encrypted_volume

tunnel – Set Up Encrypted Tunnels

  • Use: Establishes Secure Encrypted Tunnels For Communication.
  • Usage: tunnel [options]
tunnel -l 8080:localhost:80 remotehost

zcat – Compress And Decompress Files

  • Use: View The Contents Of Compressed Files.
  • Usage: zcat [file]
zcat file.gz

openssl enc – Encrypt Or Decrypt Data

  • Use: Encrypts Or Decrypts Data Using Various Ciphers.
  • Usage: openssl enc -cipher -in file -out file.enc
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in file.txt -out file.txt.enc
openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in file.txt.enc -out file.txt

ssh-keygen – Generate SSH Keys

  • Use: Creates New SSH Key Pairs.
  • Usage: ssh-keygen [options]
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

gpg --list-keys – List GPG Keys

  • Use: Lists All GPG Public Keys Available.
  • Usage: gpg --list-keys
gpg --list-keys

gpg --export – Export GPG Public Keys

  • Use: Exports GPG Public Keys To A File.
  • Usage: gpg --export -a [key-id] > publickey.asc
gpg --export -a [email protected] > publickey.asc

gpg --import – Import GPG Public Keys

  • Use: Imports GPG Public Keys From A File.
  • Usage: gpg --import [file]
sh gpg --import publickey.asc

These Commands Help With Security And Encryption Tasks In Termux, Allowing You To Manage Keys, Encrypt Data, And Secure Communications.


Termux Commands List For Advanced Was An Advanced Tutorial For The Geeks. These Commands Need Much Hold On The Information Of Cyber Security. I Have Completed The Termux Commands List Here. We Have Discussed About

Termux Commands List For Beginners

Termux Commands List For Intermediate

If You Find Any Issue Regarding This Tutorial. You Can Tell Me Through The Contact Us Button.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which Command Provides Secure Access To Remote Machines.

ssh Command Provides Secure Access To Remote Machines Over An Insecure Network.

Which Command Is Used To Find Files in Termux?

find Command Is Used To Find Files In Termux.

Which Command Displays The Real time Tasks?

top Command Is Used To Display The Real Time Tasks On Termux

Hi There!  I Am Geek Guy. a Passionate Computer Science Student Diving Deep Into The World Of Technology.