In this post i am going to show you, how to install Cupp tool in termux. We will know everything about the cupp tool in termux which includes installing, using and removing of the cupp tool. First of all we will know how to install cupp tool in termux then what are its uses and consequences of using that tool. So let’s start,
What Is Cupp Tool?
Cupp Tool is a word list generator or we can say it is a password list generator. The only thing that differentiates this tool from other password list generator is that this tool creates a list by using the details of the specific person. This tool has a high rate of matching with the passwords as the list is created by the users data like name, date of birth, phone number and other things. Now let’s see how to install cupp tool in termux.
How To Install Cupp Tool In Termux?
We will install cupp tool in termux using some commonly used dependencies of termux and adding cupp files in termux. Follow the below steps one by one to install cupp tool in termux without any error. Make sure that you have a active internet connection during installation process of the cupp tool.
Step 1: Open the Termux app and make sure you have an updated version of termux to avoid errors.
Step 2: Now update and upgrade the termux packages using pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
Step 3: Install git using pkg install git -y
command to clone the Cupp files from Github.
pkg install git -y
Step 4: Clone the Cupp files from Github using git clone
git clone

Step 5: Go the Cupp directory using cd cupp
cd cupp
Step 6: Install Cupp Tool in termux by running the cupp. py script using python3

The cupp tool will start installing in termux. You need to make sure that you have an active internet connection and It will be completed shortly. After how to install cupp tool in termux, we will see now how to use cupp tool in termux to create a wordlist of a person using his data.
How To Use Cupp Tool In Termux?
After the installation of the Cupp tool is finished we will now see how to use Cupp tool in termux. First of all you need to gather the information of a person like name, phone number and other details. We need these details to create a word list. Follow the below steps one by one to use Cupp tool in termux.
Step 1: First of all we will create a password list with details of a specific person, for that we will type python3 -i command.
python3 -i

Step 2: Now Enter the details of the person for which you want to create a password list like Name, Surname and other things.

Step 3: After completing the details you will get a .txt
file in your directory with the first name of the specific person.

Step 5: Now you can check the .txt file by using cat filename.txt
command and use it for other purposes.
This is how we can create a word list using cupp tool. This tutorial is only for educational purposes. The website is not responsible for any illegal activity done while using it’s information.
How To Remove Cupp Tool From Termux.
If you want to remove cupp tool from your termux, you need to navigate to the home directory and type rm -rf cupp
command to remove cupp from termux. Make sure this command will remove permanently cupp tool.
cd && rm -rf cupp
Cupp is a powerful wordlist generator tool. It is also know as common user passwords profile and shortly named as cupp. This tool can also add many other things to the wordlist. This was all about how to install cupp tool in termux and many other things about cupp tool. If you have any query related to this article you can tell me in the comments section. Thanks for reading
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Cupp Tool?
Common User Password Profile Is A Password List Generator With Specific Details
How To Protect Yourself From Cupp Tool?
Create A Strong Password And Make Sure To Add Special Character A Number To It.
Does Cupp Tool Require Root?
No, Cupp Tool Does Not Need Root Permissions To Run