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Termux Commands List For Beginners | Full Explained 2024

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In This Post I Will Tell You All The Termux Commands List For Beginners. We Will See All The Beginner Commands With Usage And Example. These Termux Commands List Is Easy To Learn And Anyone Can Learn It Even Those Who Do Not Know The Basics Of Termux. So Lets Start

Termux Commands List For Beginners:

In Beginners Termux Commands List I Will Show You Some Basic Termux Commands List Categories Which Include Basic Navigation, File Management And System Information. Some Of The Commands Work With Their Tools So Make Sure To Install The Tools With The Required Command. These Tools Can Also Use Your Mobile Data, So Please Connect To The Internet First.

Searching For Termux API Commands: Termux Commands List For Basic Use | Termux API

Termux Commands List For Navigation:

Below Are The Commands That Are Used For Moving Around The File System. I Have Provided The Use, Usage And An Example Of The Command For The Proper Understanding.

ls – List Directory Contents

  • Use: This Command Is Used To Displays The Contents Of A Directory.
  • Usage: ls [options] [directory]
ls -a

cd – Change The Current Directory

  • Use: This Commands Changes The Current Working Directory To The Specified Directory Given In The Command.
  • Usage: cd [directory]
cd /home 
cd ..

pwd – Print The Current Working Directory

  • Use: This Command Prints The Full Path Of The Current Working Directory.
  • Usage: pwd

tree – Display Directory Structure In A Tree Format

  • Use: This Command Is Used For Recursively Lists The Contents Of Directories In A Tree Like Format.
  • Usage: tree [directory]
tree /home

find – Search For Files In A Directory Hierarchy

  • Use: Searches The Directory Tree Rooted At Each Given Starting-Point By Evaluating The Given Expression From Left To Right, According To The Rules Of Command You Give.
  • Usage: find [path] [expression]
find /home -name "*.txt"

pushd – Save The Current Directory And Change To A New One

  • Use: This Is Used To Save The Current Directory On A Stack And Then Changes To A New Directory.
  • Usage: pushd [directory]
pushd /var

popd – Return To The Directory Saved By pushd

  • Use: Command Pops The Top Directory From The Stack And Changes To That Directory.
  • Usage: popd

locate – Find Files By Name

  • Use: Searches A Database For Filenames That Match The Given Pattern Specified In The Command.
  • Usage: locate [pattern]
locate *.txt

These Commands Cover Basic Navigation In Termux, Helping You Move Around And Manage Directories Effectively.

Termux Commands List For System Information:

Below Are The Commands That Are Used To Display System Info Like Current Directory, Date And Disk Usage. I Have Provided The Use, Usage And An Example Of The Command For The Proper Understanding.

date – Display Or Set The System Date And Time

  • Use: Displays The Current Date And Time, Or Sets The System Date And Time.
  • Usage: date [options] [+format] Or date [options] [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]
date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

df – Report File System Disk Space Usage

  • Use: Displays The Amount Of Disk Space Used And Available On File Systems.
  • Usage: df [options] [file]
df -h

du – Estimate File Space Usage

  • Use: Summarizes Disk Usage Of Files And Directories.
  • Usage: du [options] [file]
du -h /path/to/directory

uname – Print System Information

  • Use: Prints Detailed Information About The System.
  • Usage: uname [options]
uname -a

whoami – Display The Current User

  • Use: Prints The Current User’s Name.
  • Usage: whoami

uptime – Tell How Long The System Has Been Running

  • Use: Shows How Long The System Has Been Running, And The System Load Averages.
  • Usage: uptime

top – Display Linux Tasks

  • Use: Provides A Dynamic Real-Time View Of The System’s Running Processes.
  • Usage: top

free – Display Amount Of Free And Used Memory In The System

  • Use: Displays The Amount Of Free And Used Memory In The System.
  • Usage: free [options]
free -h

ps – Report A Snapshot Of Current Processes

  • Use: Displays Information About Active Processes.
  • Usage: ps [options]
ps aux

hostname – Show Or Set The System’s Hostname

  • Use: Displays Or Sets The System’s Hostname.
  • Usage: hostname [new_hostname]
hostname new_hostname

id – Print User And Group Information

  • Use: Displays User ID, Group ID, And Other Information About The Current User Or Specified User.
  • Usage: id [options] [username]
id username

env – Display Or Set Environment Variables

  • Use: Prints All Or Part Of The Environment Variables.
  • Usage: env

history – Show Command History

  • Use: Displays The Command History List With Line Numbers.
  • Usage: history [options]
history -c

finger – User Information Lookup Program

  • Use: Displays Information About System Users.
  • Usage: finger [options] [user]
finger username

last – Show A Listing Of Last Logged In Users

  • Use: Shows A List Of The Last Users Who Logged Into The System.
  • Usage: last [options] [username]
last username

Termux Commands List For File Management:

Below Are The Commands That Are Used For Creating, Deleting And Managing Files And Directories. I Have Provided The Use, Usage And An Example Of The Command For The Proper Understanding.

touch – Create An Empty File

  • Use: Creates An Empty File Or Updates The Timestamp Of An Existing File.
  • Usage: touch [filename]
touch example.txt

mkdir – Create A New Directory

  • Use: Creates A New Directory.
  • Usage: mkdir [directory name]
mkdir new_folder

rm – Remove Files Or Directories

  • Use: Deletes Files Or Directories.
  • Usage: rm [options] [file/directory]
rm example.txt
rm -r old_folder

cp – Copy Files Or Directories

  • Use: Copies Files Or Directories From One Location To Another.
  • Usage: cp [options] source destination
cp example.txt backup_example.txt
cp -r /source_folder /destination_folder

mv – Move Or Rename Files Or Directories

  • Use: Moves Or Renames Files Or Directories.
  • Usage: mv [source] [destination]
mv oldname.txt newname.txt
mv /source_folder /new_location

ln – Create Hard And Symbolic Links

  • Use: Creates Hard Links Or Symbolic (Soft) Links To Files.
  • Usage: ln [options] target linkname
sh ln example.txt hardlink_example.txt
ln -s /path/to/original /path/to/link

cat – Concatenate And Display File Content

  • Use: Displays The Content Of A File.
  • Usage: cat [filename]
cat example.txt

nano – Simple Text Editor

nano example.txt

vim – Advanced Text Editor

  • Use: Opens A File In The Vim Text Editor For Editing. It Must Be Installed In Termux Before Typing This Command.
  • Usage: vim [filename]
vim example.txt

head – Output The First Part Of Files

  • Use: Displays The First 10 Lines Of A File By Default.
  • Usage: head [options] [filename]
head example.txt
head -n 20 example.txt

tail – Output The Last Part Of Files

  • Use: Displays The Last 10 Lines Of A File By Default.
  • Usage: tail [options] [filename]
tail example.txt
tail -n 20 example.txt

chmod – Change File Modes Or Access Control Lists

  • Use: This Is Used To Change The Permissions Of A File Or Directory.
  • Usage: chmod [options] mode file
chmod 755 example.txt
chmod +x

chown – Change File Owner And Group

  • Use: Changes The Owner And Group Of A File Or Directory.
  • Usage: chown [options] owner[:group] file
chown user:group example.txt
chown user example.txt

stat – Display File Or File System Status

  • Use: This Command Displays Detailed Information About A File Or File System.
  • Usage: stat [filename]
stat example.txt

tar – Archive Files

  • Use: This Command Is Used To Create, Modify Or Extract Files From An Archive.
  • Usage: tar [options] [archive file] [file or directory]
tar -cvf archive.tar /path/to/directory
tar -xvf archive.tar


This Was All About The Beginners Termux Commands List That A Beginner Can Use. These Commands May Not Work In Some Cases Based On The Conditions Also. I Will Soon Upload Intermediate Commands List For You. Thanks For Reading.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which Command Is Used To Change The Permission Of A File?

chmod Command Is Used To Change The Permission Of The File

Which Command Is Used To Download Files From Web?

wget Command Is Used To Download Files From The Web

Which Command Is Used To Update Termux?

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y Command Is Used To Update Termux Completely.

Hi There!  I Am Geek Guy. a Passionate Computer Science Student Diving Deep Into The World Of Technology.